School & Hospital Management

Go beyond logistics, make the revolution business.



School Management System is the ideal way to manage complete school operation. The system has different access rights for Admin, Teacher, Student and Parent.

  • Unique Admin and Other Users Dashboard.

  • User Friendly Interface.

  • General Customization Available.

  • Student Attendance Record.

  • School Fees Payment & Monitoring.

  • Weekly Route of Class & Library.

  • Exam Results & Manage Marks.

  • Online Virtual Classsroom.

Hospital management system is the ideal way to complete hospital operation. The system has different access rights for Admin, Doctor, Nurse, Support Staff and Other Users.

  • Front End Patient Registration.

  • General Customization Available.

  • Doctor Module.

  • Support staff Module.

  • Bed-Room Management.

  • Ambulance Module.

  • Diagnostic Module.

  • Prescription Module.

  • Notice – Event & Messaging.

  • Inpatient Module & Reports

Benefits of this Services are as follows:

Web Based School Management System Portal Integration

The Web based School Management System Portal Integration is a very powerful and mind blowing management system. It comes with so many features that helps to capture students, teachers, parents and support staff registration, daily students and teachers attendance, subject-wise class/students attendance, class route (time-table) creation for every classes to view subjects time-table, fees payment and invoicing, recording of income and expenses, library management and transport registration/route, Exam grade, score and result marks generation and printing all to mention but a few.
Notice and Events/Holidays (School Calendar) displays on each member’s dashboard to inform them of present/upcoming events and activities. Management can also send mails to all students/parents/teachers etc., to convey emergency information:
Benefits of the Web based School Management System Portal:


  • It digitalizes our services and information
  • It helps to save time and stress on activities
  • Brings the Students performance at our finger tip
  • Its helps to feed the parents information faster about their children and their performance
  • It helps the school admin to track students’ attendance as well as their subject attendance.
  • Easy dissemination of info using the In-School Events/Notice/Holiday platform which every registered member can see on their notice panel or Dashboard School calendar.
  • Admin and Teachers can view students’ details without going to file record shelf or record students’ exam score marks, and payment history.
  • Printing of Invoice for payments and recording of Income and Expenses made from the school.
  • Taking stock of books and their location in the library and documentation of books issued out to students online and managing book returns.
  • Easy sorting of student’s name from the list of students’ in school instead of searching the file record shelf for so long looking for a student’s file or record detail.

Web Based Hospital Management System Portal Integration

The Web based Hospital Management System Portal Integration is a very powerful and mind blowing management system. It comes with so many features that helps to capture patients, doctors, nurses, laboratory attendant, pharmacy attendant and support staff registration, tracking and viewing patients medical details/report, treatment and prescription status either by the Doctors and Nurses or Support Staffs or determine who to view their medical details, fees payment and invoicing, recording of income and expenses, Laboratory, Pharmacy and Ambulance management, In-hospital patients appointment booking to doctors, all to mention but a few.
Notice and Events/Holidays (Calendar) displays on each member’s dashboard to inform them of present/upcoming events and activities. Management can also send In-hospital mails to all patients/doctors/nurses/pharmacist/lab-attendant/ambulance unit etc., to convey emergency information
Benefits of the Web based Hospital Management System Portal:


  • It digitalizes our services and information
  • It eliminates carry of files around the hospital
  • It helps to save time and stress
  • Brings the entire hospital at our finger tip
  • It help patients to track record of their appointment with doctor right from home or anywhere in case they forget their appointment date by logging in to their patient dashboard panel on the hospital website.
  • Easy dissemination of info using the In-hospital Events/Notice platform which every registered member can see on their notice panel or Dashboard calendar.
  • Doctors and Nurses can view patient’s medical details without going to file record shelf or record patient treatment, prescription and further report using their mobile hospital app.
  • Printing of Invoice for payments and recording of Income and Expenses made from the hospital.
  • Taking stock and documentation of drugs into the pharmacy and details of their prices online and managing stock quantity.
  • Easy sorting of patients name from the list of patients in hospital instead of searching the file record shelf for so long looking for a patients file

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